Cerebral Palsy:
Cerebral palsy is a condition caused through lack of oxygen to the brain during pregnancy, during the delivery, or after the birth. One in four hundred babies is affected and the condition is not curable, but the difficulties experienced can be overcome in many cases.
The outcome of the condition will be motor impairment and difficulty in movements which is the most common cause of cerebral palsy, and also other impairments like cognitive and learning difficulties.
Even though the condition cannot be cured the secondary outcome of the condition are treatable, which can help the child to grow to a near normal path way, the improvement and the treatment approach depends upon each individual child signs and symptoms.
What outcome they can expect from the rehabilitation?
This depends upon the sings and degree of involvement of the central nervous system (Brain)
What are the possible treatment approaches available in the field of rehabilitation?
Generally movement therapy like Bobath, Roots, and other intergraded therapy are available.
• He assesses the child and according to the cogitative level, he plans the therapy.
• One of the modern therapy which are used now is intensive therapy where the child will be treated for one to two hours this depends upon the child ability.
• The most important treatment will be “Motor Relearning and Cortical Retraining which will help to improve cognitive skills, child understanding capacity, this can help in improving other motor and sensory functions.
• Child with difficulty in hand function, sitting, standing and walking will be intensively treated to achieve these abilities.
Child with posture problems like scoliosis, kyphosis and torticollis will be treated specifically to correct the posture which will help the child to improve sitting, standing and walking.
Goshi also specialise in improving cogitative skills, hand functions, dyslaksia, by adopting different task activities and using techniques like focused functional movement therapy(Cortical retraining therapy), Constrained Induced Therapy.
What all other complication can be avoided:
Alleviate pain
Prevent the onset and progression of impairment,
Functional limitation, disability, or changes in physical
Functional health issues like: Injuries, diseases or other causes like respiratory complications to restore maintain and promote overall fitness, health, and optimal quality of life.
And there are lot other potential can be achieved for your child.
Goshi’s Journey with John 4 Years:
After the first four sessions John’s muscle tone had improved and now it is graded 2 in the Ashworth scale. His movements in his upper-limb and lower-limb are good. He is able to do to precise activities such as picking up beads, playing piano, and turning pages in books and holding a fork and a spoon.
His sitting posture has improved. During cross sitting he is able sit without support which he was unable to do before the treatment. He can also sit in a high couch without support and able to move his lower limbs and upper limbs.
His balance has improved and now he is able to squat down and stand by himself, able to stand with single support or holding a rail by him. He is also able to go on his knees (Kneel Sitting) without any support and move on his knees on a soft surface for a good distance.
After 8 sessions John was able to walk with single support, holding the therapist’s hand or his mother’s hand and able to walk in and around the house and outside. Also, John is now able to go on the treadmill with a minimum speed of 0.5 miles/hour for about 5 minutes.
After 12 sessions John was able to do fine-motor activities such as picking up small articles, or feeding him sitting at a table. He has improved his functional independent level score from Grade 3 to Grade 2. His tone has remarkably reduced in his both upper and lower limbs which enables him to stand and walk and he is now also able to use his hands for functional grip.
John is now able to ride his new tricycle by himself. He can now get onto it and ride himself without support and also he is able to get off the tricycle. John is also able to climb stairs with single support.
Overall, his cognitive abilities have improved after receiving the twelve sessions of spinal therapy (To improve neuro-muscular stimulation and also to improve CSF flow from brain to spinal cord and vice versa).
John has benefited from the fast oscillating technique to reduce tone in his upper-limb and lower-limb and with spinal stimulation and strength training techniques.
John is now able to pull himself using his hand and stands up without support. He is able to walk without support with very minimal synergic pattern of gait. His hand functions are good can hold hand bars of tricycle and he can climb over it, support himself, and able to ride without support. He is able to coordinate his hip, knee and foot. Overall he can coordinate is affected side leg to ride the tricycle.
His mother is very delighted about John’s improvement and she thinks John will improve further by continuing therapy with Goshi.
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