An intensive neuro rehabilitation centre in Ireland provides expert treatment for acute and chronic pain such as neck pain, back pain, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and sprains and strains. Physiotherapy is not just for adults; it has also been shown to benefit children with musculoskeletal, orthopedic, rheumatology, neuro-developmental, neuromuscular, and neurological conditions, as well as co-ordination difficulties. When you approach a paediatric physiotherapy clinic in Ireland, they help to improve a child’s condition through a tailored exercise plan, cognitive education, physical therapy, and manual therapy to improve and restore the movement of individuals affected by illness, injury, or disability. Such therapy has also proven to be effective in preventing future illness or injury. These treatments are based on Bobath, Postural Exercises, Gait Re-Education, Cognitive Education, and Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation (ABR).
Statistics reveal that there are around 4000 to 6000 genetic disorders. Every year, around 3,000 babies and children are newly diagnosed with some genetic disorder in the UK. Some are apparent at birth, while others are diagnosed at different stages throughout childhood, and sometimes into adulthood.
Some children with genetic disorders may have symptoms like delayed development, not reaching milestones, or physical weakness and poor mobility. Cr
The Paediatric Physiotherapy Clinic in Ireland specializes in physiotherapy techniques to improve children’s development, functional independence, and physical skills. Some of the reputed institutes like Craniaa use Universal Exercise Units, also known as cage therapy, to support and promote active movement patterns using bungee cords, slings, and pulleys. They also provide bungee-supported treadmill walking, loved by young children. They also use soft play equipment and soft obstacle courses to make therapy fun for all. Such therapy involves training the patient to improve strength, balance, and coordination; gait rehabilitation and assessment (walking); fine motor skills; and hand therapy in a safe and fun environment. A physiotherapy session typically lasts for 1 hour to 112 hours. These physiotherapy treatments have proven to be helpful in many ailments in the children such as:
- Trisomy
- Rett Syndrome
- Downsyndrom
- Muscular dystrophies
- Delay in Gobal Development
- Chiariac syndrome
- Willson Disorder
- Gluten intolerance syndrome
Paediatric physiotherapy provided by Paediatric Physiotherapy Clinic in Ireland specializes in physiotherapy techniques that can be vital for a child or baby. Their treatment plan helps to improve the range of motion and strength in various muscle groups.
However, with regular therapy, a significant improvement can be made and patients can also make highly vital progress in walking and gross motor skills development. Pediatric physiotherapy can answer many ailments and health issues in children.